
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Thursday, October 31, 2002


Chuck Myguts over at Redneckin' leaves the wily forest critters alone for a bit and lets loose with a monstrous story of two imps, Grubby, firewater, and pee--
[...] Priming the pump, we asked Grubby that afternoon about the old cemetery and if there were any ghosts there. Grubby was more than happy to oblige. Fishing his bag of Beechnut out of his hip pocket, he started to put a massive chew in his cheek, then thought better of it. He carefully looked into the bag, fingering the long dark strands of tobacco before putting a wad in his mouth. I suspect it had something to do with his already having heard about old lady Davis finding worms in her snuff can that she had left on the porch swing. Now ready, he launched into the first of several gruesome stories about the ghouls, murders and such that all happened in Pumpkin Bottom. The stories were so graphic, so chilling that they had Mikie and I reconsidering going into the graveyard after dark. [...]
On a serious note, I don't know if Chuck's ever said it on his blog or not, but since he's a pretty active hunter I'm sure he's heard the old saying--"There's only two things I'm afraid of in the woods--dogs, and men." Stay safe out there, Chuck.


While posting the above, I just got an e-mail from long time ("long" being relative here, even in Internet time) Possumblog reader and Fighting Falcon Fixer Upper Nate McCord out in Utah (who keeps saying he's going to start his own blog--GET TO IT, MISTER!) who send the following:
Terry, your story today about the mill was very good. And believable. I don't really know where my belief in the supernatural came from, but I do believe there are many things out there that can't be explained through scientific study. I'm not superstitious and not afraid of things I can't see either but I do believe there is a supernatural possibility that is occasionally revealed to us.

But I have a story too...

It was fall of 1973. I was a high school senior in Alliance, Ohio and dating the woman that would become my first spouse. She lived a few miles out of town in an old farm house with her extended family. Our usual routine on Saturday nights was to watch a local movie program that specialized in 50's scary movies featuring pie plate flying saucers and rubber lizards eating large metropolitan areas.

On this particular evening we watched said scary movie that was as I recall a sci-fi alien invasion type feature. Afterwards we had ice cream in the kitchen with her uncle and we talked about the possibilities of UFOs and space aliens for quite some time. This subject had even been in the news for several days as the governor of Ohio had reported his own sighting of "something" while on a trip in Michigan.

So, lots of talk about spooky stuff, then time for me to go home. As was our usual hormone driven habit, my girlfriend and I proceeded outside to neck for a few minutes against the fender my 1964 Pontiac Gran Prix before I returned home.

We're outside; its dark, cold and we're keeping warm by close personal contact while smooching. I'm leaning on the car, she's leaning on me. Suddenly a loud BONGGG reverberates through the driveway and from not very far from our spot. Now girlfriend is nearly standing on my shoulders trying to get away from something! She's clamoring for the safety of the porch and its 60 watt security.

Seems that empty 55 gallon barrel over by the garage cooled off enough to suck down the top... No space aliens but a might fine jumpstart to the adrenal glands!
Thanks for the story, Nate! (You ol' sly devil, you!)


EXCRUTIATING!!! Aaaaaiiieeee!!! Anywho, Quana Jones of Eristic with a gripping yarn of terror in the dark woodlands...
[...] In the last few minutes of official daylight, I leaned forward expectantly, now kneeling on one knee to give myself better balance for the shot. As I gazed downward, I suddenly became aware that something was moving behind me, just up the bank. Something big. And quiet. Whatever it was, it was moving toward me very slowly. I turned my head left and right, gazing up the bank. Nothing was visible in the deep brush. I listened intently.

Schlp...schlp! Silence. [...]
(Quana also gives me a great idea for a fun activity for the next Axis of Weevil company picnic--wet tee-shirt contest!)


Larry Anderson comes up with another good story about...human papilloma virus!!!!!!!
[...] If you had warts you went to old Andy who by casting a spell removed the warts. Now I read everything I could get my hands on as soon as I learned to read and by the age of ten or so, I had become a sophisticate and did not believe in such hokum. Old Andy was fun to hang around however since he had the best stories of any of the adults I knew. I had a string of warts on the back of my left hand that had been there for several months. One day I was visiting with Andy when he happened to see the warts. He asked to see my hand. Holding my hand in one of his, he waved his other over it and muttered something I did not understand. [...]
...Probably something like "This derned kid needs to quit letting frogs pee on him."


Francesca Watson at Yorkie Blog, another long-time reader and not-so-long-time blogchild reads over the chilling and frightful tales of misery and woe found upon these pages and feels compelled to share her morbid memories--
[...] Our front door was on the latch… open, unsecured, the lock shot across so that the door could rest nearly closed against the latch. This never happened -- never, ever, ever. Safety and security were watchwords in our home. Something was seriously wrong.

My heart pounding in my chest, I flew back to the bedroom as fast as my little feet would carry me, flinging myself into Mark’s small trundle bed and wrapping my arms around him. This was not common Big Sister behavior, and Mark’s Worry Antenna, always sensitive to begin with, shot up instantly.

“What’s the matter?” he asked apprehensively.

I didn’t know what to say -- the hugeness of what was wrong was beyond my ability to articulate. We were alone. Finally, with as much Big Sister bravado as I could muster, I said:

“Mom’s probably dead. But don’t worry, Mark, I’ll take care of you.”[...]

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