
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Siegelman appears at school, loses mock election
A week before the real election, Gov. Don Siegelman showed up Tuesday for the student mock election at Verbena High School - and lost.

The students' votes: Republican Bob Riley 115, Democrat Don Siegelman 108, and Libertarian John Sophocleus 14.

Many high schools hold mock elections, but Verbena's voting took on an extra dimension when Siegelman decided to make a personal appearance Tuesday and the Riley campaign responded by getting its supporters and campaign signs to the central Alabama school.

After the votes were tallied, Riley campaign spokesman Pepper Bryars said, "It's the funniest thing that has happened in this campaign."

Siegelman campaign spokesman Rip Andrews said the results were not a surprise in Republican-leaning Chilton County and that Siegelman did better at Verbena High School than he did in Chilton County in the 1998 election.

"We expect the outcome next Tuesday to be close, but with a different victor," he said.[...]
Yeah, whatever. All I know is that it's a good thing he didn't show up at Hewitt-Trussville Elementary. I got home this evening and Middle Girl and Boy both told me about the mock election they held today, in which Bob Riley got around 900 votes and Don Siegelman got around 200 votes.

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