
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Friday, August 30, 2002

Well, in case you haven't noticed I have finished shoveling out all (well, most) of the manure from the stables and been able to get back to REALLY important stuff. And as we all know, this being the end of August, there is only ONE important thing.


Real football, too, not that silly hand-holding, Kumbayah-singing, Worldbeat-playing, diversity-promoting futbol that my kids have been Shanghaid into playing, but real AMERICAN football! And not just any good old real American football, but Southeastern Conference football! In particular the form played by the Pride of the Plains, Auburn University! Monday evening they will be making your Labor Day complete as they travel to Lalaland to take on the University of Southern California Brand Name Prophylactics.

Despite the fact that many seem to believe USC will win by at least a touchdown, I will go out on a limb here and say Auburn will win 143-13. I could be wrong, of course, "any given day" and all that, but I'm sure I will be in for a nice surprise. And even if the Tigers don't quite win, at least USC has good looking cheerleaders--pardon me, Song Leaders. This is NOT to imply that Auburn doesn't--they certainly do, (although I'm sort of partial to The Tiger Paws since there aren't any guys in there blocking the view.)

ANYway, as my final bit of Auburn related propagandizing, I thought I would leave you with the following wisdom known as The Auburn Creed:

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports to develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

--Dr. George Petrie, Class of 1887

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