
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Extending Alabama's Cultural Hegemony, One Blog At A Time.
It seems another Alablogger has been shook out of the cybertree, a nice young lady from Huntsville who calls herself Sue Lizano who has a brand new blog called Get Your Drawers On, for all of your commentary and step-in needs. Sue wrote in to say hey and congratulations on my newfound status as 1,000th Best Marsupial Blogger in Alabama, and I found that she has already been blogrolled by VodkaPundit. Yet, she seems to be a bit reticent about the rigors necessary to be included in the hallowed and feared Axis of Weevil.

On the 16th, she detailed her qualifications as follows:
I get questions. You get answers.

I'd like to instigate the Wednesday W's.

Who: Sulizano. It's an Italian word for a trash dumpster or something. Not my real name, of course, who the hell would name a kid that? Except I do know of a girl named Spatula.

What: A 40-something hippie chick of Irish-Cherokee descent. A redhead sometimes. A gainfully employed writer who gets it all done way ahead of deadline and spends the rest of the time goofing off. Also a gainfully employed piano barrista. A diehard member of the Big Comfy Underpants delegation. In my next life, I'll be a New Orleans pastry chef.

Where: Alabama. It's not that bad, really it's not.

When: Beer-thirty.

Why: Because I can't let Dawn have all the fun.
Now, how could anybody dispute those credentials!? Although she protests that her blog is (to quote her confidential e-mail to me on the subject)
all about silliness. I can't imagine that I'll ever have serious traffic and I doubt I'll ever have any real contribution to make other than escapist fun.
Pshaw! And falderal! With a dash of pifflesnit!

The Axis of Weevil, despite its terrifying level of seriousity and the awe with which its writers are held by the world at large, is truly all about escapist fun. Every Friday, there are the well-received public mockings, complete with rotten fruit throwing, and there are the numerous high-power rifle matches we sponsor, there's the Cooking Light With Lard class taught by our very own Dr. Weevil, and the just-added sponsorship of Jimmy's (from Human Resources) Sportsman-class racecar (we even got to pick the spot on the car for the logo--it's right beside the one for Hoosier tires!). So surely you can see that there's more to us than hard hitting punditry.

And we need more girl members.

So then, despite all of Sue's protestations, the large clanging engine of Weevilosity cannot be stopped--by the almighty power vested in me by the Alabama State Docks Authority and by the voices in my head, it is with great pleasure and pride that Miz Sue Lizano is hereby and herewith granted entrance into the Benevolent Order of the Yellowhammer and the Cotton State Blogging and Coastal Artillery Society, otherwise known to the universe as the Axis of Weevil, with all of the duties and woes pertaining thereto.

As with all new members, Miss Sue will forthwith be receiving the justly famed Axis of Weevil Gift Pack containing Dreamland ribs, a gallon jug of Milo's sweet tea; a G-Lox Wedgee gun rack from Mark's Outdoor Sports for her veehikle; a package of Bubba's Beef Jerky (according to Dr. Weevil, this is homemade and is available only at the gas station at the end of Highway 82 in Bibb County); a three piece, 24 ounce box of Priester's Pecan Logs; a box of Jim Dandy grits; and a one quart bottle of Pilateri's Steak Sauce. We regret to announce that we are no longer able to offer the coupon for free Kool Seal for the trailer roof. Jimmy, who lives next door and has a condition (and is not the same as Jimmy from Human Resources), has been doing Kool-Sealing for people as a method of expressing his artistic side. Sadly, last week he took a terrible tumble that has only made his condition worse. We are negotiating with the local LPG company to see if we can work a deal for 25 free pounds of propane.

ANYway, go visit our newest Weevil and tell her hey.

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