
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Birmingham Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
One of the bad things about having a Coke bottler in town was that it skewed the odds of Co-coler Poker--there was always an abundance of "Birmingham," a good many "Montgomery", but hardly ever any "Chattanooga" or "Atlanta." There was always one kid who won every time. I really think he kept an empty bottle hidden on him somewhere, like having a card up your sleeve. Anyway, Birmingham Co-Coler is 100 years old this year. It all started thusly:

"1902 Birmingham businessman Crawford T. Johnson uses $12,000 and a borrowed mule to open Birmingham's first Coca-Cola plant. It is located in a 25-by-50-foot building on 24th Street North and produced 30 cases of Coca-Cola per hour. It served 50 retailers."

Birmingham-based Coca-Cola Bottling United is now the third-largest Coke bottler in the U.S.

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