
Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

REDIRECT ALERT! (Scroll down past this mess if you're trying to read an archived post. Thanks. No, really, thanks.)

Due to my inability to control my temper and complacently accept continued silliness with not-quite-as-reliable-as-it-ought-to-be Blogger/Blogspot, your beloved Possumblog will now waddle across the Information Dirt Road and park its prehensile tail at http://possumblog.mu.nu.

This site will remain in place as a backup in case Munuvia gets hit by a bus or something, but I don't think they have as much trouble with this as some places do. ::cough::blogspot::cough:: So click here and adjust your links. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's one of those things.

Friday, March 04, 2005

When I posted the note yesterday about Ferrari's Michael Schumacher's horrifyingly sad pre-Australia Grand Prix activities, I wondered why my best friend and fellow motorhead Tim Blair had not mentioned anything about the race.

Thankfully, Tim has been doing his work and managed to snare an interview with the engine guy for Ferrari. And thankfully, Tim still manages to get some commentary into the piece:

[...] {Dieter] Gundel, who has been with Ferrari for six years, specialises in an unseen aspect of F1 engine design: embedded software, which controls such variables as power delivery and fuel economy, and can be altered to suit different track characteristics. Regulations covering this technology – known as “engine mapping” – are strict, and amount to the F1 equivalent of Olympic drug testing. Officials from the sport’s governing body need give only five minutes’ notice before arriving at any team’s headquarters to look for evidence of illegal traction-control codes and the like. Keeping track of development is difficult: since the end of last season, Ferrari has already come up with 70 variations of its engine software program.

Ferrari’s technical staff contains almost as many nationalities. It’s sort of like the United Nations, except it works. “We have Japanese, German, English, Italian,” says Gundel. “All working together.”

Ferrari direzione comunicazione Matteo Boncini: “We also have French.”

Gundel, who is German: “Even the French work together with the others.” [...]

Absolutely amazing.

Anyway, some advice for Tim--forego the baked royal penguin. As we all know, there is nothing quite so delightful as Cornguins, cornbread-battered and deep-fried Emperor penguin on a stick. AND--Swedish pourettes LOVE them!

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